Calabi-Yau & Mirror Symmetry Seminar

One should never try to prove anything that is not almost obvious.
                         -- Alexander Grothendieck

Abstract and Introduction

  • Basically this seminar goes 2 ways at the beginning:
    • Mathematically, we come from the definition of Calabi-Yau manifolds and K3 surfaces, then go to moduli spaces of K3, last arrive at moduli space of sheaves on K3
    • Physically, we start from the introduction to QFT, including SUSY and renormalization group flow, then come to BPS solitons and fundamental string theory and introduce D-branes.
  • Then the 2 ways compose to the proof of mirror symmetry. The final goal of this seminar is homoloical mirror symmetry. Last we seek to learn some application of mirror symmetry, especially topological string theory.



    Rourou Ma, Yu Wu, Hefeng Xu, Yushu Zhu
